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Teamworks facilitated a dynamic discussion between two sitting athletic directors, Stevie Baker-Watson at Depauw University and Glen Brittich at Elmhurst University, who shed light on the pivotal role Teamworks played in reshaping their athletic departments in the DIII market.

Key topics from the discussion:

  • The Power of Teamworks Recruiting + Compliance
  • Enhanced Student-Athlete Experience 
  • The Impact of Adding Multiple Products
  • Managing Budget in DIII
  • Teamworks DIII Focus 
  • Slate x Teamworks Integration

The Power of Teamworks Recruiting + Compliance (previously known as ARMS)  

“Workflows ensure smooth operations in various scenarios, enhancing efficiency and reducing liability concerns,” summarized Glen Brittich. “I’ve actually had support staff that say they don’t want to work here (Elmhurst) if we don’t have Compliance + Recruiting (ARMS) anymore, just because we are, for the most part, paperless.”

  • Streamlined Workflows and Efficiency: Glen Brittich highlights the transformative impact of workflow automation on efficiency and productivity within athletic departments. By centralizing processes like travel authorizations, team communication, and compliance paperwork, Teamworks facilitates seamless operations, reduces manual workload, and ensures compliance with DIII NCAA regulations. 
  • Efficiency and Sustainability: Implementing workflows reduces paper usage significantly, enhancing efficiency and sustainability.
  • Enhanced Safety Measures: Digital workflows provide immediate access to vital information, enabling quick responses to student-athlete issues.
  • Seamless Documentation for Transition: Transitioning paperwork into digital formats allows for new administrators and coaches to know exactly where and what processes need to be completed. 

How Did Adding Hub & Recruiting Communication Make an Impact?

“Implementing Teamworks standardizes communication and scheduling practices across all teams, said Stevie Baker-Watson, ensuring every student-athlete receives consistent and comprehensive information.”

  • Adaptation to Changing Student-Athlete Needs: Teamworks centralizes schedules, itineraries, and communication channels, ensuring a seamless experience for all student-athletes, minimizing disparities, and providing resources for optimal competition.
  • Improving Secure Communication: Teamworks enables efficient communication with student-athletes through various channels, enhancing engagement and ensuring a safe and secure environment.

“The secure messaging feature in Teamworks Hub ensures communication transparency and accountability,” mentioned Glen Brittich.

Why Did Adding Hub & Recruiting Communication Make an Impact?

  • Enhanced Integration: Push notifications going from Compliance + Recruiting to Hub increase student-athlete engagement with obligations and events, providing a comprehensive and user-friendly experience.
  • Efficient Recruiting Communication: Teamworks Recruiting Communication enables efficient mass recruiting with customizable and trackable text messaging, saving coaching staff significant time.
  • Cost-savings: Adding multiple Teamworks products into the full suite of technology allows for greater cost-savings, making an integrated operating system more feasible for this market.

How Elmhurst and DePauw fit Teamworks into their budget

  • Strategic Financial Reallocation: Both Elmhurst and DePauw identified inefficiencies in existing systems and reallocated funds towards Teamworks’ consolidated solution, achieving cost savings.
  • Prioritization of Efficiency and Organization: Stevie Baker-Watson initiated a qualitative assessment of spending to justify the financial commitment and secure budgetary allocation.
  • Collaborative Budgetary Efforts: Glenn Brittich highlighted a collaborative with departments to fund Teamworks, fostering unity towards technology adoption.
  • Emphasis on Technology as a Necessity: Both institutions viewed Teamworks as a necessary investment to meet the evolving needs of student-athletes and maintain competitiveness.

What Makes Teamworks DIII Focused

“Teamworks gives our lean team more eyes across all necessary components within our Athletic Department, says Glen Brittich, “it’s as if we have more staff than we really do.” 

  • Streamlined Administrative Efficiency: Teamworks offers a centralized platform for Division III athletic departments, simplifying access to critical information and processes.
  • Enhanced Oversight and Compliance: With fewer personnel compared to Division I, Division III athletic departments benefit from Teamworks’ comprehensive oversight capabilities.

How Integrating with Slate Has Revolutionized Campus Admissions

  • Seamless Transition: Potential student-athletes identified by coaches smoothly integrate from Teamworks to Slate CRM, optimizing recruitment efforts
  • Enhanced Communication: Integration fosters better communication between coaches and admissions, ensuring relevant information reaches prospective student-athletes effectively.

The insightful discussion between Stevie Baker-Watson and Glen Brittich underscores the invaluable role of strategic partnerships in driving the digital transformation within Division III athletic departments. Their experiences with Teamworks highlight the collaborative efforts between technology providers and institutions, leading to enhanced student-athlete experiences, streamlined operations, and optimized recruitment efforts.

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