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In college athletics, the importance of nutrition often takes a backseat to on-field performance. Nutrition can be challenging to track, difficult to quantify the impact, and tedious to analyze. That’s why having a technology provider, such as Notemeal, to plan, log meal plans, elevate training tables and increase meaningful dietitian interaction beyond just meal plans is crucial to help rewrite the ‘backseat narrative.’

Investing in student-athletes through the power of nutrition is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. 

With optimized and personalized nutrition, student-athletes perform better in both their athletic endeavors and academically. Yet, despite this understanding, numerous athletic programs fall short of allocating the necessary time, resources, and personalized attention required for students to excel. Transitioning from a generic nutrition approach to a tailored plan with access to fueling stations and training tables, can significantly elevate performance levels.

Teamworks dives into the significance of investing in student-athletes overall health and performance through nutrition, with insights from dietitians and senior administrators who have experienced the tangible benefits of prioritizing nutritional support. Notemeal provides an all-in-one digital solution for tracking, measuring, quantifying, and enhancing performance nutrition.

  • Nutrition is a Priority: Prioritizing nutrition is essential for enhancing athletic and academic performance among student-athletes.
  • Technology Transforms: Notemeal revolutionizes nutritional support by offering personalized plans, elevating nutrition for training tables, and shifting the focus from generic to tailored approaches.
  • ROI of Nutrition: Investing in student-athletes’ nutrition yields a positive return by boosting performance, fostering well-being, and preparing them for success on and off the field.
  • Efficiency and Organization: Notemeal streamlines nutrition management, saving time, improving efficiency, and ensuring every athlete receives personalized attention and support.

“Peak performance will follow when an athletic department invests in a student-athlete’s overall health and well-being” – Sean Harrington, Founder of Notemeal

The Return on Investment:

Brandy Clouse, Deputy Athletics Director of Internal Affairs, SWA, and Head Athletic Trainer at Georgia Southern University, highlights the transformative impact of Notemeal: “The decision to invest in Notemeal has transformed our entire athletic department. We’ve witnessed a paradigm shift in how our student-athletes perform and thrive. It’s not just about better results on the field; it’s about fostering a culture of well-being and excellence. Our student-athletes are healthier, more resilient, and better prepared for their challenges in sports and life.”

Notemeal contributes to a positive ROI by enhancing performance, fostering a culture of well-being, and preparing student-athletes for success both athletically and in life.

Scaling Impact

At LSU, Lyndsey Eckenrode, as the Associate Director of Performance Nutrition, highlights the transformative power of Notemeal: “Before implementing Notemeal, we could only provide customized meal plans for a handful of student-athletes. With Notemeal, we’ve scaled our impact from just a few athletes to hundreds. Every athlete can now get personalized nutrition guidance, helping them perform at their best.” This scalability underscores technology’s essential role in effectively reaching and supporting a larger number of student-athletes.

For Miami, it’s all about the commitment to a student-athlete well-being: “Notemeal not only ensures that they receive the fuel required for optimal performance but also reflects our commitment to their individual well-being,” says Matt Smale, Executive Associate AD / Business Operations at the University of Miami.

Efficiency and Time-Saving:

Ryan Holleman, Senior Associate Athletic Director of Health, Wellness, and Performance at Santa Clara University, echoes this sentiment: “Efficiency and organization are the cornerstones of a well-run athletic department. Notemeal has brought everything together in a cohesive system at Santa Clara University. It’s not just about nutrition; it’s about a holistic approach to student-athlete well-being.”


“Having everything in one place, in the palm of our hand, has been a game-changer. It’s easy to keep track of each athlete’s nutritional needs, preferences, and progress. This level of organization ensures that nothing falls through the cracks, and every student-athlete receives the attention they deserve.”  Dietitian at a top Power 5 School.

The impact of scaling nutritional support, saving time for dietitians to focus on connecting with their student-athletes, maximizing staff resources, and improving organization and efficiency cannot be overstated. It’s time to prioritize the well-being and performance of our athletes through proper nutrition, and technology like Notemeal is leading the way, with over 65 DI Universities making it a reality.

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