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On May 8th, Jerónimo Amalfi, Team Manager at Stade Français Paris, and Andrew Trimble, former Rugby Player, will host a webinar focusing on ‘The Challenges Faced by Team Operations Managers’ delving into the nuances experienced by Team Managers beyond the surface of their sports, and sharing best practices and tools to combat inefficiencies with Teamworks Hub.

Get to know our speakers in a ping pong question series!

How did you get involved in rugby to begin with? 

Jerónimo: My journey with rugby began at the age of 13 when I joined a local amateur club in Uruguay. Although an injury at 17 ended my “playing” career, my passion for the sport remained undiminished. Instead, I transitioned to a management role, starting as the team manager for one of the youth teams at my club.

Andrew: My dad was a rugby player and fan so it was pretty much decided for me that I would be the same! 

How long have you been involved in rugby? 

Jerónimo: I’ve been involved in rugby since I was 13 years old, but professionally since I was 17.

Andrew: I have been involved in rugby all my life in various ways. I started playing for my home club Coleraine and school Coleraine Academical Institution. When I left school I was lucky enough to represent Ulster and Ireland at age grade, and make my way into the professional squad with Ulster and Ireland when I turned 20. My career was up and down with injuries and form like everyone else’s, but my biggest accomplishment was winning the 6 Nations in 2014 and being in the first Ireland team to ever beat the All Blacks. I now do some media work in rugby as a pundit and commentator. As my 9 year old son summarises: I played rugby, now I watch rugby!!

Where are you from and where do you live now?

Jerónimo: Originally from Montevideo, Uruguay, I attended a French International school, which provided me with a bilingual education in French and English. This educational background was instrumental in securing my current position as Stade Français Team Manager. I now reside in Paris, France.

Andrew:  I am from Coleraine on the North Coast of Ireland and now live in Belfast.

What is your role today? 

Jerónimo: As the Team Manager at Stade Français, I oversee the department now known as “Team Services,” previously known as the operations and logistics department. My role encompasses:

– Coordinating with the commercial, administration, marketing, and media departments
– Managing travel and logistics
– Scheduling for players and facility usage
– Ensuring smooth operation of all team-related activities

Andrew: I am a senior director of product with Teamworks.

Can you describe your day to day? 

Jerónimo: Describing a typical day is challenging as my responsibilities fluctuate with the dynamic needs of the team and club. My tasks range from arranging travel, managing schedules, to being actively involved on the pitch during games. Leading a team of five, we adapt swiftly to ensure optimal operation and performance, reflecting the club’s interests.

Andrew: The current project I am working on is researching and understanding how athlete’s want to engage with Teamworks’ software and the player’s own data. I speak to a lot of athletes and sports psychologists about the best way to optimise this experience.

In one word, what does rugby mean to you? 

Jerónimo: Passion

Andrew: Community

What’s your biggest learning moment? 

Jerónimo: A profound learning experience was during the 2020 COVID pandemic while I worked closely with Lucas Chiocarelli, the Team Manager for The Pumas. We navigated unprecedented logistics challenges like coordinating travel when global movements were restricted, organising split training sessions due to health guidelines, and implementing frequent testing protocols. This period improved my crisis management and adaptability skills considerably.

Andrew: When I was selected to captain Ulster towards the end of my career, it required much more leadership from me. Although I needed to reassess and refine my role in the team, it gave me confidence that I can step up to big challenges.

Anything you would like to share?
Jerónimo: Over the past eight months, Teamworks has been instrumental in enhancing our logistical efficiency. It’s not just a tool but a game-changer in how we organise and execute our teams needs. I am eager to share more about how Teamworks Hub has transformed our approach and can benefit others in similar roles.

Watch the full webinar here!

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