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Since the launch of Nutrition in the UK, more and more elite teams are moving to a personalised nutrition solution that supports team nutritionists and athletes.

Together with the Leaders in Sport Performance Institute, Teamworks hosted a virtual round table facilitating a discussion focused on overcoming challenges to deliver personalised nutrition to elite athletes. Joined by Paige Crawford, Team Dietitian Nutritionist at the Los Angeles Chargers & Mark Ellison, Performance Nutritionist at Manchester United, the guests explored the following:

  • Providing a periodised, in-depth fueling plan to athletes
  • The importance of honing in on dining facility nutrition
  • Delivering a year-round personalised and agile nutrition plan for when a team needs change

Throughout the webinar, both speakers emphasised the importance of good communication and accessibility in getting their athletes to buy into the nutrition plans being delivered by performance teams. Crawford explained her approach to personalised nutrition, “Personalised nutrition to me, is meeting the athletes where they are at”, in order to ensure nutrition is accessible to athletes but also relevant to their athlete data, which gives nutritionists the opportunity to educate the individuals on their own needs.

The discussion emphasised the importance of agility after physical testing, allowing nutritionists to create individualised blood work and nutrition assessments for athletes. This helps staff tailor meal plans effectively using Teamworks Nutrition.

“Personalised nutrition to me, is meeting the athletes where they are at”

Paige Crawford, Team Dietitian at LA Chargers

Learn more about the best practices shared by Crawford and Ellison and watch the webinar below!

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