Each year, the American Equipment Managers Association (AEMA) dedicates a week in September to honor the hardworking professionals who keep athletes and staff prepared for success. Equipment Managers are often the unsung heroes of athletics, consistently putting in 60-80 hour work weeks to ensure everyone has the gear they need to perform at their best. We want to take this special opportunity to show our appreciation for our Inventory Management Partners‘ dedication and vital contributions to the sports world.

Our 2024 Top Leaders

In honor of Equipment Managers Appreciation Week, we wanted to thank our Top Leaders of 2024. These people have led the charge to help foster innovation at Teamworks through product enhancements, beta testing, integration, and automation. They are making the industry better every day! We would like to extend our gratitude to the following individuals, in no particular order:

  • Matt Althoff, University of Virginia
  • JD Jordan, University of Cincinnati
  • Matthew Sterling, Boise State University
  • Rick Brandt, Director of Equipment Operations
  • Cecilia Snipes, University of Southern California
  • Chad Jessop, LA Chargers
  • John “Kong” Coumoundouros, Detroit Pistons
  • Kevin Ries, The Ohio State University
  • Tim Lowe, Head Equipment Manager
  • Troy Bixler, IMG Academy
  • Dan Glynn, University of Pittsburgh
  • Jason Shawger, Milwaukee Brewers

Our 2024 Top Super Users

We would also like to give a special shoutout to our Super Users who have created the most transactions* in Inventory Management this year. They are moving inventory like nobody’s business!

  1. IMG Academy (42,998 transactions)
  2. New York Jets (35,702 transactions)
  3. University of Georgia (32,889 transactions)
  4. University of North Carolina – Wilmington (21,947 transactions)
  5. USA Track & Field (19,047 transactions)
  6. Florida State University (13,517 transactions)
  7. University of North Carolina (13,069 transactions)
  8. University of Southern California (11,845 transactions)
  9. University of Arizona (11,511 transactions)
  10. University of Pittsburgh (10,748 transactions)

*A transaction is created in Inventory Management whenever an item is checked out, checked in, or received/removed from inventory.

Thank You

Inventory Management is everything that it is because of the collaborative relationships we have with all of you. Thank you for your continued support of our Inventory Management product and Teamworks. We appreciate you!

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