In a recent interview with SBJ, Kevin Barefoot, SVP of Business Development, highlighted how Teamworks is revolutionizing the sports industry with its integrated technology platform. Teamworks’ Operating System for Sports, consolidates and streamlines the tech stack for athletic organizations, from colleges to professional sports teams. Full interview above.

The Evolution of Sports Technology

Barefoot provided a historical overview of sports technology, noting a surge in sports tech companies from 2006 to 2016, followed by a decline as the market became saturated. This led to a demand for more integrated, efficient solutions, which is where Teamworks steps in. By building and acquiring best-in-class tech and integrating them into a single platform, Teamworks helps athletic organizations optimize their operations, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency.

Tailored Solutions for Different Needs

Teamworks caters to both college athletics and professional teams, including partnerships with 98% of Division I schools and 31 out of 32 NFL teams. Our suite of 12 products is designed to address specific needs, such as roster management, communication, and document handling, all in one place. This integration reduces inefficiencies and allows sports organizations to focus on performance rather than administrative tasks.

Looking Ahead: Efficiency as the New Frontier

Looking to the future, Barefoot emphasized that cost management and efficiency will be critical for sports organizations. With fixed revenue streams and rising expenses, teams must look for ways to operate more efficiently. Teamworks’ interconnected tech stack provides a solution, enabling organizations to manage costs without compromising on the athlete or fan experience.

As the sports industry continues to evolve, Teamworks remains committed to empowering athletes and athletic organizations through innovative technology solutions. The future of sports is interconnected, efficient, and tech-driven, and Teamworks is leading the charge.


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