In this recent webinar, our Notemeal team takes a deep dive into two of Notemeal’s latest innovations: Calendar Suggestions and Meal Prep Plan to Grocery List.


Overview of New Features

Calendar Suggestions: Adjust Meal Times Quickly

Easily optimize meal times around an athletes ever-changing schedule. Use Calendar Suggestions to automatically update meal events based on the athlete’s Teamworks Hub calendar.

The Power of Automation: Toggle on Auto-accept Suggestions and Notemeal will automatically adjust the meal plan schedule daily to match the athletes availability.

Be More Selective: Want more control? Choose to accept meal event time recommendations just for the week, or individually accept a suggestion.

Meal Prep Plan to Grocery List: Make Shopping Easy

Make it easy for your athletes and service members to meal prep for the week and shop for what they need.

Meal Planning: Athletes can plan what theyd like to eat for the week using your meal plan and macro targets as a guide.

Grocery List: A shopping list is auto-generated, categorized by section of the grocery store, making shopping for food simple.

Optimize Meal Times: Guided by your recommendations, athletes can easily schedule meals to ensure they are getting the right amount of food.

Streamline Food Logging: With one click on their prep plan meal, athletes can quickly log the food they eat.

The Backstory: Developing a Game-Changer

Three years ago, the latest Notemeal innovations began with a shared vision. Dietitian Beth McCall, who was already using Teamworks Hub while leading the Sports Performance Nutrition team at Duke University accepted a cold call out of the blue from budding Notemeal Founder Sean Harrington. And though the initial call was riddled with hilarious communication errors, Beth was eager to explore Notemeal. She saw the potential it had in easing some of the challenges of managing nutrition plans for a multitude of athletes and knew Sean was on to something…

Watch the complete backstory > 

Learn More About Notemeal

Notemeal enables dietitians to deliver personalized nutrition to athletes and service members, improving their experience and having them available and ready to perform at their peak. Contact us to see how Notemeal can help your organization.

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